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Armenian National Committee of America Logo

Armenian National Committee of America

Washington, DC
✅ LocalCity Directory Trusted Business

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is a prominent Armenian American grassroots political organization that has been advocating for Armenian causes and issues for many years. It serves as a powerful platform for Armenian Americans to get involved in political activism, donating, educating, and taking action to promote the rights and interests of Armenians both in the United States and globally. The ANCA focuses on key topics such as the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, strengthening US-Armenia relations, addressing US aid distribution, monitoring US-Turkey ties, and advocating for justice and reparations for Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh).

Through various programs like internships, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, grassroots campaigns, and advocacy initiatives, the ANCA engages with individuals at different levels to empower them to make a difference in their communities. The organization's dedication to education, civic engagement, and policy impact underscores its commitment to advancing the Armenian American community's interests on Capitol Hill and beyond.